One Finite Planet

One Finite Planet

Environmental footprint and maximum population.

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Every living creature has an ‘environmental footprint’, or an impact on the environment in a multitude of different ways. Most of us are aware of concept of a ‘carbon footprint’, and how we can reduce this footprint by changing how energy is produced.  In the end energy is energy no matter how it is produced.  But there are other things we consumer with a more complex footprints.  For example food.  It is important to consider not just ‘how many people can we feed?’, but also ‘what do we desire to eat’.  It is one thing to feed the world grain, but don’t we all want to live at a much higher standard than that?

It turns out that you cannot answer ‘how many people can the Earth support”?, without answering ‘how do you wish them to live?’. 

Some of these ‘footprints’ or impacts are beneficial, but generally there comes a point where the combined impact of the population in an area damages that area.

Consider a paddock with dairy cattle.  The is a number of cattle who can live in the paddock and eat the grass without the grass dying, but if we put in double this number of cattle then before long the grass will start to die.  As area of grass die the pressure on the remaining grass is even greater all the grass will die and the ground will be dirt, after which the cattle will start to die of hunger.

The cattle each have an environmental footprint impacting (amongst other things) the grass in the paddock.  Once the combined impact of the population of cattle in the paddock is to great the environment starts to suffer damage and without intervention the environment will collapse.

Of particular interest of late to us humans has been the ‘carbon’ component of our environmental impact. If I was a cow in that paddock and bare patches started to appear I would be calling for a larger paddock or a feed supplement immediately and trying to go easy on the grass.  I mean better safe than sorry.  It could be just a dry spell and the grass will recover, but with warning signs and cows only having the one paddock taking action even if not certain would seem wise.  Of course we humans are smarter than cows and many of us will take no action until we are 100% certain the warning signs mean we really do have a problem 🙂

However many are taking action.  But even with steps being taken that successfully reduce emissions per person, there are two problems to reducing total ‘carbon’ emissions.  Firstly, the gains from reducing emissions per person are eroded in any country that is still increasing the number of people.  Secondly, over half the global population live in circumstance far less developed than ideal by current standards and currently could only move to developed status by radically increasing their own emissions.

Carbon or CO2 emissions are a special case, and i will cover that in another post.  However it is challenge to reduce environmental footprint without reduction in living standards.  Consuming less energy without increasing efficiency means a lowering of living standard.  Consuming less energy by increasing efficiency at this time typically means paying more for the energy, which leaves less for other things and again lower living standard.

Again, carbon or CO2 environment footprint is a special case because if society was structured correctly, zero CO2 environmental footprint can coexist with any standard of living we desire.  But getting if of CO2 emissions does not mean energy production has no environmental impact.  Humans also do need to eat, to drink, to have waste, to living in houses and engage in all manner of activities that impact the environment and the more each individual can do these things the better their life.

Take food for example.  How many people we can provide with food? Estimates range from not even the current population, since we are not currently managing to product food sustainable,   through estimates that we will be able to feed the current 2050 estimated population all the way through to estimates that we could feed double the projected 2050 population by using hydroponics far more extensively.

The trouble with all these projection is just what do we mean by ‘provide food’?  Do we mean sufficient to keep people alive and in adequate health?  Or do we mean to provide choice and variation and the food people desire to eat?  Lobster if they wish.  Because the two answers are radically different.  Currently we can only sustain a global population under 3 billion if we wish to feed this population in the manner current middle class America can enjoy.

Until very recently, humans were able to hunt and gather.  The first change was farming of some crops.  Then it became almost all plants that we eat are farmed.  It started as a small variety of animals farmed with many still hunted but gradually food from hunting became unsustainable and unthinkable except in rare and exceptional circumstance.  Then came fishing. As recently as 2005 fishing ‘or hunting wild fish’ was n industry twice the size of fish farming.  By 2010, fish farming was almost as large as traditional fishing.  I suggest the days of being able to sustain catching fish on a large scale from the wild without endangering more species are numbered.

But farming still has an environmental impact.  Unlike other animals, the area of environment that supplies our needs is not the area where we live.  It is useful picture that for each person living in a city a ‘nature space’ somewhere is required for the earth to recover from the environmental impact of everything consumed by the person in the city.

It is clear that today the earth is unable to recover from the collective impact of the human population as we are living now.  There are estimates that the planet can sustain around 10 billion people. Together with theses estimates are statements like ‘somewhat less if we do not all become vegetarians’.  Now while many would rejoice at the idea that we will not eat animals, remember that reason we need to vegetarians under such a model is so we are not competing for food.  In other words, we do not eat the animals, but they never get to live at all.   These models consider producing enough food to live, not enough that we all enjoy eating.  Or that other animals are sharing the earth with us!

Now what if everyone has a living standard like the average in the USA today? Or even better?  And we still have pets and farm animals and let even wild animals still exist.  That would multiply the average environmental footprint substantially.   In reality it is very difficult to see how the earth can support over 3 billion people if we all live to the standard of the current USA.

in the end, how many can we feed is a factor of the standard of living desired.  Twice the people or more if we simply provide bread as would be the case if the population enjoys luxury food, shares the planet with other animals and is even allowed to have pets!

This is the big trade off.  More people at a lower footprint per person, or fewer people with the potential of a luxury life for all.  I would suggest the maximum possible at the highest standard of living.  Not the maximum possible at all costs.  If we believed in the maximum possible at all costs then we would insist on every woman having the maximum possible number of children possible.  I suggest that to chase the maximum possible at all costs is crazy, which brings us to a much lower number.

Table of Contents


Why population growth even before the explosion?

Throughout history, although no other species on Earth has experienced such long term overall population growth, even before the recent population explosion, the human population kept slowly growing.

Yes, we recently had an unprecedented population explosion, driven by the near elimination of previously tragic rate of infant mortality, but against a background of more gradual long-term growth, many of us may have never even realised we just had a population explosion.

But what drove that long-term population growth even before the explosion, and what will now happen as the explosion ends?

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Fragile Democracy: Was Scott ‘Scomo’ Morrison autocrat of Australia?

Democracy collapses when a leader, who is able to bypass the checks and balances, uses their position to retain power.

Steps by recent leaders Scott Morrison and Australia and Donald Trump in the USA, raise questions as to whether current reliance on conventions and constitutions reliably protects democracy.

China, Russia and even North Korea are all technically democracies, and all proof of how technically being a democracy does not necessarily deliver real democracy.

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Ukraine: Putin and China, method or madness?

What if Russia and China both intended that the invasion of Ukraine would trigger global inflation and food shortages, and a potentially new financial crisis?

That Putin sees himself in the image of Peter the Great and restoring the Russian empire is no secret, and is generally portrayed as evidence that Putin has completely lost the plot. But what if there is a bigger plan involving both Russia and China that starts with triggering a global financial crisis? A dangerous game by two desperate leaders needing to bring others with them as their own economies collapse.

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Ghost cities and ghost homes: housing finance crisis?

Anyone who believes in indefinite growth in anything physical, on a physically finite planet, is either mad or an economist.”

Attributed to Kenneth Boulding in: United States. Congress. House (1973) 

This applies to not just to population growth, but just maybe also to the growth in value of housing.

This page is a look at ‘ghost cities’ and ‘ghost homes’, and the window they provide into how distorted investment can become in the pursuit of growth.

The end result of the distortions can be overvalued assets funded by highly leveraged ordinary citizens. If that is the case, not just with ghost cities but beyond, the correction will clearly present a financial crisis.

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Can Peter Dutton repair the democracy ‘loyal opposition’.

Democracy is under threat, and a significant part of the problem stems for the distortion of the current model of ‘opposition’. While the politics of division and polarisation of the USA Trump republicans vs Biden democrats attracts most attention on the world stage right now, what happens in Australia following the recent election which saw democracy strike back (page coming soon), has the potential to provide the world with an alternate blueprint for the role of the opposition party, which could reinvigorate democracy and spread to the US and elsewhere.

Is there an alternative to the current Republicans vs Democrats style, where ‘opposition’ is about each party demonising the other?

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Surprises from life expectancy, the ageing population and the path to immortality.

Your own life expectancy is greater than the average, and the rise in life expectancy from the just 32 years at the start of 20th to now being over 70 years by the 21st century does not mean what most people think. It is not about ever longer lifespans, but more people living an increasing percentage a full lifespan that has not changed.

Despite the lower life expectancy during earlier times, many famous figures lived to around age 70 not only in 1900 but even 2,000 years ago years and Ramesses the Great lived to 90 back over 3,000 years ago! Infants are rarely famous, and as it is the reduction of child mortality that has the biggest impact on life-expectancy, you don’t see as much difference when looking at how long adults live.

Increased life expectancy and the ageing population of today is not yet a result of the next step of modern medicine providing treatment to slow aging or increase the length of a full lifespan of a healthy person, but by the reduction of infant mortality and the probability of a person enjoying their full potential healthy lifespan.

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